Commercial Fleets

Commercial Fleets

Municipal Fleets

Municipal Fleets

School Fleets

School Fleets

How Microgrids Work

Scale integrates EV chargers within on-site energy systems called microgrids, which typically include solar, energy storage, and dispatchable backup generation. These microgrids work alongside existing utility service to provide everyday savings on costs and emissions, while also providing resilience with the ability to function independently during grid outages. This holistic solution minimizes costs, accelerates deployment, and ensures 100% uptime for fleets.

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Contact us for a free consult



Energy Management

Energy Management

Optimize microgrid operations to minimize vehicle charging costs

Resilience Analysis

Resilience Analysis

Guarantee 100% fleet uptime even when the grid goes down

Design & Engineering

Design & Engineering

Achieve goals with industry-leading project design accuracy and optimization



Lock in charging costs on a per-month, per-mile, or per-kWh basis for $0 down

Project Implementation

Project Implementation

Streamline procurement and construction with preferred vendors and EPCs

Operations & Maintenance

Operations & Maintenance

Ensure reliable operations with remote monitoring and preventative maintenance

Accelerate Electrification With Future-Proof Flexibility

• Power chargers without long, costly waits for utility service capacity upgrades
• Technology-agnostic, works with all major brands of vehicles and chargers
• Microgrid platform enables future capacity to be added as fleet expands
•  Services agreement model eliminates risk of rate increases and conserves capital



Frequently Asked Questions

Does Scale’s microgrid integrate with EV charging?

Yes. EV chargers will draw power from the microgrid just like any other load, but with potentially greater flexibility in the timing of when charging occurs. Charging management software optimizes timing to minimize costs while ensuring that fleets are ready to run their routes. 


How do managed charging and OCPP communication protocols work with the microgrid?

Scale leverages the expertise of our managed charging partners to determine the right software to integrate and communicate with the chargers via OCPP. Our energy management software works with the charging management software to optimize the combined operations of the microgrid and EV charging systems.


Does Scale’s microgrid limit the type of vehicles or chargers we can use?

The microgrid platform is technology agnostic with respect to all distributed energy resources, including charging infrastructure and vehicles. If necessary, we can offer guidance on the best chargers and vehicles for your fleet needs, and we will work directly with vehicle and charger OEMs to ensure proper integration with the microgrid. 


Is Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) possible with Scale’s microgrids?

V2G is a promising technology that enables bidirectional flow of energy through EV chargers, allowing your fleet to provide backup power for your facility or sell energy into the utility grid. For customers with V2G-capable equipment, Scale’s microgrids and energy management software can incorporate this functionality just like any other distributed energy resource.  

Can Scale’s microgrids accommodate plans to add EVs and charging over the long term? 

Our microgrids provide a cost-effective platform for EV fleets to gradually expand over time at the pace of their choosing. During the initial construction period, we can pre-install electrical infrastructure for future charging expansions, as well as plan out optimal times to add more solar and/or stationary battery storage if needed to supply them. Because our microgrid controls can seamlessly accommodate new loads and generation assets, operations will be optimized throughout your fleet expansion.