Microgrids for Schools

Microgrids incorporate and optimize on-site resources like solar, battery storage, and dispatchable generators, enabling them to address the diverse energy requirements of different types of schools. Educational institutions already account for 10% of US microgrids, and annual installations are expected to triple over the next five years thanks to their unique combination of cost savings, sustainability, and resilience.

Why a Microgrid?

Why a Microgrid?

Increased Resilience

Our microgrids provide on-site power with multiple backup systems, ensuring 24/7/365 uptime for provision of this critical resource even when the grid fails.

Lower Costs

By harnessing optimized distributed energy resources, you can significantly reduce your electricity costs today and guard against future rate increases.

Improved Sustainability

Solar and battery storage reduce your school's carbon footprint and avoid harmful emissions from diesel backup generators.

Why Scale?

Why Scale?

Turnkey Solutions

Scale manages everything from microgrid design and construction to ongoing operations and maintenance, making a complex process headache-free.

No Upfront Cost

Scale offers microgrid financing with $0 upfront investment from customers, allowing you to save from day one without impacting your capital budget.

Specialized Expertise

Our team of industry-leading experts offers unparalleled project design accuracy and optimization to meet your goals for a given site and market.

Microgrid Solutions

Our team designs, builds, and operates microgrids that use advanced controls to optimize on-site energy resources and deliver results for educational institutions. 

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Capital Solutions

Scale finances projects through our Microgrid Service Agreements (MSAs), which allow our customers to avoid up-front capital costs and save from day one.

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Microgrids Empower Your School

Cost Effective

Cost Effective

Optimized on-site resources significantly reduce electricity costs today and guard against future rate increases.



During blackouts, our microgrids can operate independently (or “island”) from the grid and ensure your power stays on.



Zero-emission resources like solar and batteries reduce emissions and help meet your school's sustainability goals.