Distributed energy is complex. Scale makes financing it easy.
Scale’s range of financing offerings reduce the complexity of distributed energy project financing by optimizing every layer of the capital stack for our customers and partners.
Development Financing
Non-dilutive development finance for asset-backed projects
Construction Financing
Lines of credit for developers building out distributed energy projects
Project Acquisition
Recycle capital tied up in near-complete or operating assets
Tax Equity Investment
Aggregations of distributed energy projects provide economies of scale
Long Term Ownership
Tax equity, tax lift structure, growth capital, and working capital for projects we own
White Label Financing
Acquisition of projects in commercial operations or late-stage development
We finance, design, build, and operate projects that set a new standard for distributed energy.
Our team’s decades of industry experience ensures we identify all relevant risks and properly value distributed energy projects across a wide range of technologies.
Distributed Energy
Energy storage
Dispatchable generation
Combined heat and power
Fuel cells
Other distributed energy assets
Scale is backed by the institutional power and capital of Warburg Pincus.
Since its founding in 1966, Warburg Pincus has invested more than $116 billion in over 1,000 companies globally. Their decades of private equity experience, industry knowledge, and unparalleled resources complement Scale’s distributed energy expertise to provide capital that powers growth for our customers and partners.
Recent Financing Case Studies
Contact Us
51-53 S Broad St, 3rd Floor, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 Phone: 201.689.5987 info@scalemicrogridsolutions.com