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October 12-16: HOMER Microgrid Conference

October 1, 2020
Scale Microgrid Solutions

On October 16, 2020 at 9am MST our Vice President of Project Analysis, Duncan Campbell, will be speaking at the 8th Annual HOMER International Microgrid Conference.

Panel: Advances in Technology: Batteries & More
Session Overview: Technology is changing rapidly as distributed energy becomes more mainstream in the matrix of electic power systems. This session helps you stay abreast of ongoing technological advances relevant to distributed energy. In addition to novel storage technologies, presenters will discuss packaging and construction innovations.

Economics of tCell® based grids: Michael Blowes, Founder, Strathmore Energy
Flow Battery Feasibility in Microgrids: Brian Ballek, Commercial Analyst, Invinity Energy Systems
What Should “Standardization” Actually Mean for Microgrids? Duncan Campbell, Vice President, Scale Microgrid Solutions
Carbon-free Sites – Self-supplying Solar Construction Sites: Peter Hussinger, Energy Storage Engineer, BayWa r.e.
Bidding Batteries – Optimizing Microgrid Revenues via Storage Merchant Markets: Drew Lebowitz, Senior Consultant, DNV GL Energy Storage Engineering

Duncan will explore project development and system architecture standardization. Each project that a successful microgrid team executes should be cheaper, easier, and more dependable than the last. But how is that achieved? The answer lies in evaluating engineering costs and equipment bids in a reliable, productized system, rather than a project to project basis. Otherwise, every project is will be “first of it’s kind.”

Learn more about the event and register here: https://microgridconference.com/


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