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eTech49: Electric and Autonomous Vehicle Podcast with Tim Hade

May 16, 2023

For this episode Ryan Maughan speaks to Tim Hade who is the Co-Founder & Chief Development Officer at Scale Microgrids.

Scale Microgrids are a developer of Microgrids, they design and install large scale solar, battery storage and power management systems to create local renewable energy based systems for corporate clients.

Following a career in the US Air Force, and launching and then exiting a cleantech business, Tim came to start Scale Microgrids through a combination of his desire to help people acheive energy security and reduce their impact on the environment and it has been going from strength to strength working with companies to design and build microgrids that help them reduce their dependency on the main power grid, generate their own power and save CO2.

The potential for a more distributed energy system to help reduce our dependency on fossil fuels and improve energy security really is a passion of Tim’s and this came across in our discussion. He is also thinking about future concepts like being able to deploy distributed resources as virtual power plants and what happens to the centralised infrastructure when more microgrid systems are deployed which could remove a significant contribution to the operating costs of the traditional energy generation and distribution business.


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